
In a way, the Whangaehu Marae has become a last bastion for the local hapu (subtribes) of Nga Wairiki Ngati Apa that once occupied the fertile plains of the Whangaehu River, from inland at Kohurupo and Manuriro, to the coast at Whitiau. These hapu were the descendants of a brother and sister named Rangiwhakaturia and Taitapu, who were themselves the descendants of Turi and Rongorongo of the Aotea waka, and had travelled to Whangaehu from South Taranaki. Rangiwhakaturia’s wife was Kahutoa, said to have been of Ngati Rangi descent. Taitapu’s husband was Tumataikura, thought to have been of Paerangi descent.

For more information please visit the link below:

Tini Waitara

Nga Korero o te Whanau o Tiniwaitara
Taku potikī, ē ko Wharaurangi ē ka rongo ō tipuna, ko makamai ku au.
Moku e hine mā te huri ē. Ma te whakarongo ki te whita korero.
Ko te whare tēnā i taia ai te Kahu- rongo ē i pipiri ke te pō.
Nga toka whakaahuo to korua kuku ē toku rua wā wā ī, o toku rua pakē.
Ka wehea ko te tau ē.
Whakatau mai ki te tūrangawaewai-a-ipura-ngi o Ngati Apa, Ngati Tamawaina me Ngati Hinewai, Ngati Rangipuhi, Ngati Kiriwheke, Ngati Tupataua me etahi atu.
Parekeretu te Maunga, Turakina te Awa, Ngati Apa te Iwi.

For more information please visit the link below:


Ngā Wairiki ki Uta

This hapū collective covers a large area from Manuriro, at the top of the Ruatanga Road, inland to Paratieki, Heao and Maungakaretu. Kauangaroa stands as the surviving Marae for this hapū. The principle kāinga for this hapū had been Akerama, Matatera and Kauangaroa, amongst others.
In the late 1800s, this particular hapū collective adopted the political identity of Ngā Wairiki, and preferred to be called this rather than Ngāti Apa, a situation which still exists to this day. The whakapapa of this hapū emphasises Paerangi as a principle ancestor.
The ancient origins of this hapū are therefore shared with many hapū of Ngāti Rangi and Whanganui. Intertribal warfare, geographic separation from other Paerangi hapū and extensive intermarriage with other Ngā Wairiki and Rangitīkei hapū combined to lead this hapū to join the Ngāti Apa Iwi that formed in the early 1800s. These hapū are characterised by their ancestors and hapū rangatira historically being fiercely proud of their own hapū identity and authority over their lands and other resources.
The Ngāti Apa Iwi that formed in the 1830’s was created to benefit these hapū, and this theme of emphasising hapū identity and autonomy is etched into the kaupapa of Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa today.


Ngāti Kauae & Ngāti Tauira

These hapū historically occupied the area from Waipatiki in the north to Omarupapako in the south, and inland to Oroua. This includes most of the coastline from just north of the Rangitikei River mouth to a point north of the Manawatu River mouth. Kauae and Tauira are inseparable, as they are the descendants of Papawhenua who, in turn, descends from the prestigous lines of Kurahaupo whakapapa, from Whatonga, and utimately Toi. 
This hapū shares these ancient origins with hapū of Rangitāne and Muaūpoko. Despite these origins and traditions, intermarriages between these people and hapū inland on the Rangitīkei River, and north towards Turakina and Whangaehu created a strong bond with these lands and people of different origins, and ultimately lead to this hapū joining the Ngāti Apa alliance which took shape in the early 1800s.
The principle kāinga of these hapū were at Parewānui and Te Awahou, on the Rangitīkei River, with settlements on the Oroua River also.

Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa

Whakamau ki ngā wai o Mangawhero, o Whangaehu, tae mai ki te taketake o Paekowhai ki Kimihia, ki Kauangaroa. Hikaka te haere ki tai ki Rangitahuahua. Pūkana o karu ki Motukaraka, a, ka piki ki Waipu, ka eke ki Te Horotaraipi, ki Tini Waitara.Ko te tīkei o te waewae, te roanga o te ara ki Parewānui, ki Rangitīkei. Ka whākana ki Omarupapako, ki Taikorea, ki Aorangi. Huri ki uta ki Te Poho o Tuariki, kei runga ra ko Paraekaretu e tū nei.Ka pūkanakana ki te tihi o Tiri Raukawa ki uta ra ki Otairi. E ngā totara o te waonui o Ngā Wairiki, o Ngāti Apa, kua ngaro ki tua ki te arai, ki te wāhi ngaro. Kei te tangi tonu te morehu tangata e tū nei. E moe, e oki. E ngā whānau, e ngā hapū, e ngā iwi o Ngā Wairiki me Ngāti Apa, Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa!

Contact Us

Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa
Te Poho o Tuariki
85 Henderson Line, Marton
Phone: 063275594
Freephone: 08002272494
Email: info@ngawairikingatiapa.iwi.nz

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