
The Group currently owns in excess of 7,000 hectares of forestry land, the majority of which is leased to forestry companies who own the trees.
However, Ngā Wairiki – Ngāti Apa Developments Limited now owns and manages the trees on the Paewhare (formerly Cvitanovich) block near Kauangaroa, as well as taking back compartments as they are harvested in the Santoft Forest on the coast. Therefore, of the total hectares of forestry, we now own and manage 580 hectares of pine trees. This number is set to increase every year as the Santoft compartments are returned.
Forestry operations are therefore a growing part of the Group as we gradually increase our ownership and management of trees on our whenua. The planting programme commenced in 2019, so the Iwi can look forward to the commencement of a harvest and replanting programme in 2047. This really is an intergenerational investment and asset. The young Iwi members we are bringing into the Group now to establish and look after our forests may very well be the managers of harvest and replanting operations in the future.

In terms of pine forestry that Ngā Wairiki – Ngāti Apa Developments Limited owns and manages, we have the following:
Just south of Kauangaroa Marae
170 hectares in pine and 100 hectares in manuka for honey business

Between Kaitoke and Ratana
90 hectares in Pine
Small area for growing our strawberries
Looking at opportunities to develop Harakeke further
West of Mangamahu (northern reaches of our iwi boundary)
3000 hectares of pine leased SC Rakau Limited

Leased property to Ernslaw
~3,000 hectares
Raumai Road – 60 hectares
Fusilier Road – 260 hectares
West of Hunterville
Purchased property that we have replanted
700 hectares

Foresrty Team

Marcus Hodson
Teina Puketohe
Kingi Hiroti
Bailey Kiwara
Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa

Whakamau ki ngā wai o Mangawhero, o Whangaehu, tae mai ki te taketake o Paekowhai ki Kimihia, ki Kauangaroa. Hikaka te haere ki tai ki Rangitahuahua. Pūkana o karu ki Motukaraka, a, ka piki ki Waipu, ka eke ki Te Horotaraipi, ki Tini Waitara.Ko te tīkei o te waewae, te roanga o te ara ki Parewānui, ki Rangitīkei. Ka whākana ki Omarupapako, ki Taikorea, ki Aorangi. Huri ki uta ki Te Poho o Tuariki, kei runga ra ko Paraekaretu e tū nei.Ka pūkanakana ki te tihi o Tiri Raukawa ki uta ra ki Otairi. E ngā totara o te waonui o Ngā Wairiki, o Ngāti Apa, kua ngaro ki tua ki te arai, ki te wāhi ngaro. Kei te tangi tonu te morehu tangata e tū nei. E moe, e oki. E ngā whānau, e ngā hapū, e ngā iwi o Ngā Wairiki me Ngāti Apa, Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa!
Contact Us

Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa
Te Poho o Tuariki
85 Henderson Line, Marton
Phone: 063275594
Freephone: 08002272494