Welcome to Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa

This website exists to provide our people with access to information about the Rūnanga, including information about our identity, news updates and notices of up and coming events. Nau mai, haere mai.

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Nau mai, Haere Mai

He mihi mahana tēnei ki ngā uri o ngā awa waiwaiā ko Mangawhero, ko Whangaehu, ko Turakina, ko Rangitīkei, tae atu ki Oroua. He mihi hoki ki ngā manuhiri e tiro haere i ngā kōrero e pā ana ki a mātou.

This website exists to provide our people with access to information about the Rūnanga, including information about our identity, news updates and notices of up and coming events. Nau mai, haere mai.

Click the link below to view the 2022 annual report.

Recent Panui

Te Kotuku Hauora

The Social Services section of what was Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Apa was established first in 1992. Te Kotuku Hauora literally means “The bearer of good Spiritual and Physical Health”

Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa

Whakamau ki ngā wai o Mangawhero, o Whangaehu, tae mai ki te taketake o Paekowhai ki Kimihia, ki Kauangaroa. Hikaka te haere ki tai ki Rangitahuahua. Pūkana o karu ki Motukaraka, a, ka piki ki Waipu, ka eke ki Te Horotaraipi, ki Tini Waitara.Ko te tīkei o te waewae, te roanga o te ara ki Parewānui, ki Rangitīkei. Ka whākana ki Omarupapako, ki Taikorea, ki Aorangi. Huri ki uta ki Te Poho o Tuariki, kei runga ra ko Paraekaretu e tū nei.Ka pūkanakana ki te tihi o Tiri Raukawa ki uta ra ki Otairi. E ngā totara o te waonui o Ngā Wairiki, o Ngāti Apa, kua ngaro ki tua ki te arai, ki te wāhi ngaro. Kei te tangi tonu te morehu tangata e tū nei. E moe, e oki. E ngā whānau, e ngā hapū, e ngā iwi o Ngā Wairiki me Ngāti Apa, Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa!

Contact Us

Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa
Te Poho o Tuariki
85 Henderson Line, Marton
Phone: 063275594
Freephone: 08002272494

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